Sunday, January 23, 2022

Travelling around the world is one of our greatest dreams, in fact, it is arguably one of the most expensive thing we can treat ourselves into when we have money. Why do we even travel? Does it signify our discomfort and displeasure among our native land? To put it frankly, sometimes, maybe, that is the reason. But just like every matter, we each have our own reasons why we travel, perhaps we just grew accustomed and bored to what our country has to offer and we want to experience different landscape, views, and culture. Or perhaps we are travelling to meet a special someone may it be a friend, family, or lover. Or maybe we are just travelling in order to learn or work there. 

The essence of travelling is very different if you are just there because of work or school versus if you are there because you want to. Travelling is one of the greatest pleasures we can experience and I have to say that it is a privilege to travel. 

We are mostly talking about travelling, but what places should we travel to? How do we know which places are the best? First of all, if you are a beginner, you can search in the internet the top places or country to visit as a first time traveler. But since I am Asian, and living in the south-east the closest country I can think of that is a great travel spot is none other than Japan. Why the place of the rising sun you might ask? First of all, I am a weeb, not only do I like anime, but I also love the Japanese Language, Culture, and Heritage. Secondly, it is the closest country and subjectively more pleasing for me to visit in the Northern part of Asia. The travelling is exciting on itself alone, but what comes after is also the most enjoyable. Namely, the things that you are supposed to do in the said country or your "itinerary". Here are some of the best things you can do when you are in Japan. 

1.) Travelling outside of Tokyo (Capital City)

When you're in Japan it is given that you should stir away sometimes from the main city which is Tokyo because not all can be found there. So I summarized the different places you should visit outside of Tokyo. One of them being Kyoto, famously known for it's rich culture and traditional style of buildings. Second is Osaka since the Osaka castle can be found there. and Lastly Hokkaido. Different places in Japan offers different expertise ranging from it's local culture to it's local cuisine. So it would be wise to expand your travel outside of the main city Tokyo.

2.) Bathing in the Public Onsen

Having a public bath at the local onsen is one of the must do on this list. Not only that it is uncommon on different countries, but it also opens an experience and opportunity to meet the locals and befriend them while on the Onsen. Just mind your manners and your tone when talking to them since you are a foreigner and you don't want to put a bad "image" among foreigners

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3.) Disneyland Tokyo

First of all, there is no Disneyland from where I cam from in the South-East. Secondly, going to Disneyland Tokyo is a different experience from going to your local Disneyland. Some locals especially, students also go there, so it is not a bad Idea to just visit the place if you want to meet new people. Either way, it is a fun experience to look forward to.

4.) Japanese Culture Festival in Local Schools

Since we're in the topic of knowing the locals or meeting new people, If it is possible for you then I would suggest, visiting the Local Japanese Culture Festival of the nearby school. Since as far as I know, they also allow different people to participate in the Festival whether foreigner or not. But needless to say, it is not free, some have entrance fees and the different booths also requires you to pay just like in the local shrine festival (a festival similar to a School Culture festival in Japan but held in Shrines) If you are going to visit the local school for it's Japanese Culture Festival, I suggest to brush up with your language skill and also don't be rude or creepy among the students. It is a worthwhile experience and a truly blast in the past, since attending these school events makes you remember your wasted years in high school. 

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5.) Visiting this cool looking Gundam in Tokyo Plaza

What else do I need to say? It is a Gundam for the love of God. It is the famous mech robot of Japan airing back in 1979. It is Iconic and it will be a worthy Instagram photo to take. Besides, it is a Tokyo Plaza, it is a great place to take instagrammable photos in general. 

6.) Be sad at the Shibuya Station looking at Hachiko's Statue

Since we're in the middle of visiting cool looking statues such as the Gundam, I suggest also traveling to the Shibuya Station to take a pic with one of the saddest story that ever transpired in human history, which is the life of Hachiko. I'm not crying, you're crying!!

7.) Ride a Shinkansen

From where I came from, we have no Shinkansen. In fact, our rail way system is so outdated and just go in a straight line, so boring. But anyway, I would suggest using the magnificent rail way systems of Japan and experience the beauty of it by using all lines from shinkansen to just a normal train. But with that said, you might come from a country that has bullet trains or Shinkansen, but I think that your experience will be different from here, you can enjoy the view of Japan exclusively from their Shinkansen, you can order a bento from a machine in the Shinkansen Station (especially when you are travelling from Hokkaido to Osaka or just from North to South in general, since it will be a long ride). A shinkansen ride is a totally worth experience when going to Japan. Also, since you are using the train most of the time while travelling in Japan and if you are planning to use them all just for experience, I suggest getting a JRPass or Japan Rail way Pass.

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8.) Train Suite Shikishima

Since we're in the topic of boarding trains, you might also want to try, even just for once, boarding a Train Suit Shikishima or what they call a "Blue Sleeper Train" These are trains with a room on it since these trains came first before the shinkansen so in order to accommodate customers with their needs they installed a room in a train so that every passenger has a place to rest while riding the not-so-fast Shikishima. It is a train with a room in it!! There are no trains with rooms from the country where I came from, so This would be a definitely different but awesome experience. Just watch out for their prices though, it might cost you half of your itinerary.

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9.) Hashima Island

It is also called as Gunkanjima or Battleship Island, since it is an island that looks like a battleship. Besides of the cool feature or architectural design of the island, you can also visit this place as a history lover, since the Hashima Island also symbolizes Japanese War Crimes that were committed during World War II. Nonetheless, besides learning something from this tourist attraction, it is also a beautiful and marvelous archetype 

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10.) Ao Island

Since we are in the topic of talking about islands, from a battleship island, try also the Ao Island or the Cat Island. It is a simple island filled with... wait for it.. Cats!! It is heaven for people who love cats or animals in general. These cats are very friendly in nature and have been welcoming to the different tourists that visits the area. You can also feed them and have them surround you in their furry abundance of love. With all seriousness, an island that is occupied primarily by cats, are on of the best things to do while in Japan!!

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There are more things to do in Japan besides what I have accumulated but these are basically the top 10 or must do in Japan. I will leave the other bits to yourself so that you might find it exciting and thrilling. With that said, travelling truly is a wonderful notion, whether it's local or international. I just hope that someday we will not be limited to the notion of local or international travel but also intergalactic space-time travel!! I mean how cool is that? You might find me someday creating a different blog to the best things you can do on Mars!! or other space tourist attraction! So I hope someday, we as a human kind would evolve for a better future and no more Hashima Island (War Island) but more Cat Islands Instead!

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Travelling around the world is one of our greatest dreams, in fact, it is arguably one of the most expensive thing we can treat ourselves in...